Options OptimizerHarness the power of our Optimal Allocation Wiz tool to calculate the ideal number of option contracts to open for a security. This optimizer utilizes Optimal Portfolio Theory to enhance diversification, reduce risk, and improve overall success.
How It Works:
Input Investment Amount:Enter the total amount of money you want to invest.
Select Top Contracts:Choose the top number of contracts to pick from the displayed list on the dashboard (e.g., top 10, top 30).
Set Minimum Securities:Specify the minimum number of different stocks to include in your portfolio.
Define Minimum Contracts per Security:Determine the minimum number of contracts/options to open for each stock selected.
Maximize Stock Weightage:Choose the maximum weightage for each holding, representing the value of contracts in a stock compared to the entire portfolio.
Apply Filters:After making your selections, apply the filters to optimize your allocation.
Key Features:
Versatile Application: The Optimal Allocation Wiz can be applied to any data published on the dashboard, either before or after applying other filters.
Dynamic Updates: If dashboard values change, simply reapply the filters to get updated Optimal Allocation Wiz values.
Optimize your investment strategy with our Options Optimizer and achieve better diversification and reduced risk.